No? Remember, the one that you had to put your finger in the hole and rotate the dial until the comma shaped metal stopped the finger. You let go and the dial sprang back. If you were patient and, maybe even, bored, you could use the "buttons" that you hung the receiver on and tap them the number of times of what individual number you wanted.
You might have seen it in really old movies. We only had to dial seven numbers!!

We "pacers" (Ones who cannot seem to sit still when we talk) got to walk farther when we got cordless phones!! That was even better!! You know how the list goes. Those cell phones that were as big and heavy as bricks. They got smaller and smarter. Yet, I am getting ahead of myself....

The buttons exercised your finger muscles and made your hands able to open the toughest glass jar. Some time after, the electric typewriter came out and it was harder to open a glass jar.
You still had to change the paper and use the "liquid" paper for mistakes. Still, it took less time to finish a novel and was time efficient. And then, came the personal computer.
We could back our cursor up and retype over our errors. It was even easier and quicker to finish that novel. (I still haven't finished it).
So, how has that changed your life? We now have the power of the old phone and the memory of our old computers in our "smart" phones or tablet computers!!
So, lets go back to the olden days. Yes, since I make soap, I am going to talk about soap?
These are cheap and, often times, harsh soaps. Yes. Even Dove. If you look at the ingredients list, your eyes will cross. Even dove.
So, if we can have improvements in our technology, why can't we do the same for ourselves with soap? Try real ingredients that soften and/ or exfoliate your skin naturally? Real goat's milk. Real olive oil. Real oatmeal. Essential oils. No animal fats. (NOT saying that "commercial" companies do that)
Move on with your future. Smart phones and smart soap. Doesn't that all go "hand in hand"?
Shane Franklin
Shane's Simple Soaps.