Sunday, December 4, 2011

Do you remember....

Do you remember the old telephone?
No?  Remember, the one that you had to put your finger in the hole and rotate the dial until the comma shaped metal stopped the finger.  You let go and the dial sprang back.  If you were patient and, maybe even, bored, you could use the "buttons" that you hung the receiver on and tap them the number of times of what individual number you wanted.
Okay, not back that far...

You might have seen it in really old movies.  We only had to dial seven numbers!!
Uh, oh, then touch tone came out in about 1970.  It was the wave of the future!! It is what gave us all of those phone choices when we call customer service!!
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We "pacers" (Ones who cannot seem to sit still when we talk) got to walk farther when we got cordless phones!!  That was even better!!  You know how the list goes.  Those cell phones that were as big and heavy as bricks.  They got smaller and smarter.  Yet, I am getting ahead of myself....

I used to type on all of these.  No. Really.
The buttons exercised your finger muscles and made your hands able to open the toughest glass jar. Some time after, the electric typewriter came out and it was harder to open a glass jar.

You still had to change the paper and use the "liquid" paper for mistakes.  Still, it took less time to finish a novel and was time efficient.   And then, came the personal computer.

We could back our cursor up and retype over our errors.  It was even easier and quicker to finish that novel.  (I still haven't finished it).

So, how has that changed your life?  We now have the power of the old phone and the memory of our old computers in our "smart" phones or tablet computers!!

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So, lets go back to the olden days.  Yes, since I make soap, I am going to talk about soap?
Photograph circa 1911 by Clifton Johnson.They used animal fat and ash from burnt wood.  Later, lye was used and  that is what people used for soap.  If you want to learn more, I found this site:  Very good information.  Jump forward.   We won our independence, fought civil and world wars.  We still buy...

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These are cheap and, often times, harsh soaps.  Yes.  Even Dove.  If you look at the ingredients list, your eyes will cross. Even dove.
So, if we can have improvements in our technology, why can't we do the same for ourselves with soap?  Try real ingredients that soften and/ or exfoliate your skin naturally?  Real goat's milk.  Real olive oil.  Real oatmeal.  Essential oils.  No animal fats.  (NOT saying that "commercial" companies do that)
Move on with your future.  Smart phones and smart soap.  Doesn't that all go "hand in hand"?

Shane Franklin
Shane's Simple Soaps.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do I milk goats?

Well.  I guess if I had a goat and a farm and the separate ingredients to make my soap like that, I sure would.But I get my supplies from a site that uses the best ingredients and makes their goods in America.  (some essential oils imported as needed).
From making the soaps, my hands are quite soft.  I handled a few products that had glitter on them and my hands got covered in glitter.  By the time I got out to the car, it was all gone!  And you KNOW how hard glitter is to clean off the body!  It all simply fell off.
Head over to My Website and check out the soaps.  If you don't like them, let me know.  I will make it right for you.
Thank you,

Monday, November 7, 2011

Trying to reach out.

I am trying to spread the word about my soaps not just to make money, but to provide a quality product at a fair price.  The soap that I hand make softens and completely cleanses your skin. I guarantee that if you try it, you won't go back to any other soap. I know that if you use the soap and it does not meet your expectations, I will make the soap the way you want it and send it to you free of charge, or refund your money completely.
I know, another short blog, but I am passionate about my soap and want to show it.
Please visit  or and look around.  I really think you will like what you see.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Touch my hands...really.

Okay, so that is an odd request.  It is the only way I can think of to show you how soft my soap makes my skin. I don't have any cracks or rough skin.  The goat's milk soothes and smooths skin.  Steady use quickly makes your skin softer.
Don't believe me, touch my hands!!

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Why oh why would I make soap?

Short history.  A friend that just started a B & B in Fredericksburg, TX posted on facebook that she was looking for someone who could make soap.  She preferred goats milk. Well, youtube was my best friend.  Unfortunately, that let me to the "Cold Pour" method.  That used lye with water and natural oils and....well.  I figured that was to caustic to make in my little apartment.
Naturla Soap Bases from Bramble Berry
Courtesy of
As I was walking through a craft store, I asked if they had any soap making supplies.  Thus, I discovered melt and pour soap.   Not caustic and easy-ish to use.
On the shelf was the soap base, colors and a couple simple scents.  I wanted more natural stuff, but I wanted to see what it took to make the stuff.
My first soap.
I first made the soap for the B & B.  I used candy molds and made hand soap.  Then, I thought, "Hey, I could sell this."  So I got on my little lap top and made myself a label.  

I got assistance starting a website and here I am.  I have better molds and I can combine my colors much better now.
So, please check them out.  I think you will quite enjoy them and you will get softer skin and a squeaky clean. I know because I showered with one of my bars of soap today.

If you would like to know anything, I welcome your questions.

thank you,

Friday, October 28, 2011

Have to remember the little soaps...

I've been so excited about my new Christmas molds, I almost forgot about making Shane's Simple Soaps regular soap bars.  The soaps ranging from strawberry-banana to lime and the spa bar scented with lemon and eucalyptus essential oils.

Strawberry-banana soap.  Not edible!

Lemon eucalyptus spa bar!

I am making more soap to sell in a craft show at my church (Harborside Christian Church) and to set up a table at the Oldsmar Flea Market.  It is difficult to pick what soaps people will like.  It is a delicate balance of making what they want and having too much of a variety.  Being a fledgling business, I am still discovering what that balance is.
My table at the Oldsmar Flea Market (My car in the back)

I thank you for keeping up with what I am doing and checking out my product.  I only use the highest quality ingredients and run my business with integrity.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Essential Oils

What are essential oils?    An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled (most frequently by steam or water) from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of a plant. Essential oils, contrary to the use of the word "oil" are not really oily-feeling at all. Most essential oils are clear, but some oils such as patchouli, orange and lemongrass are amber or yellow in color. 

What are fragrance oils? Essential oils are natural and contain the true aromatic essence and other naturally beneficial properties of the plant the essential oil was distilled from. Where essential oils contain only the distilled essence of a plant, perfume and fragrance oils are artificially created fragrances, contain artificial substances or are diluted with carrier oils and do not offer the caliber of therapeutic benefits that essential oils offer.

What do we use in Shane's Simple Soaps?  We use both.  I am starting to move more towards the essential oils, but the soaps like, say, banana-strawberry, cannot be scented with essential oils due to the fact that you cannot extract oils from either a banana or strawberry.  
The choice is yours.  
The fragrance oils I purchase are from a very trusted supplier that supplied to several other soap companies.  I will list them all in a future blog.  The list will be long!!
My Christmas soaps will ONLY have essential oils in them.  Am lending to a more natural and fragrant holiday!!
Thank you for your time and keep clean!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Not too early for Christmas Soap!

The Christmas Season is approaching fast.  Several stores are already putting out their Christmas items out.  I usually don't like it when they do that, but I am so excited about my molds, colors and Christmas scents that I can't keep from putting them out there.  Also, putting these out helps with planning for possible gift baskets.  

My first offering is my Christmas Gift soap.  It is more appropriately named than you might think.  Scented with various Christmas aromas.  Make sure you use the soap, though!  

Dove soap.  No, it isn't THAT soap.  It is a 3 oz bar meticulously colored.  The green olive branch is made with olive oil soap.  The rest of the bar is made with goat milk soap for peaceful, soft skin.

Christmas tree ornament.  Scented with Pine Needle essential oil.  How many soaps do you know of can be used as a Christmas ornament.  After you use the soap, you get a permanent ornament to use.  Exciting, huh!!

Gingerbread Person. As you might guess, this 3.5 oz little guy is ready for the season.  Scented with gingerbread and made of goat milk and olive oil soap bases.  The most details I've ever dealt with.  Remember, you can't eat them, but they will make your hands feel awesome after you use them.

So, what do you think?  Ready for planning.  I am excited to be able to hand craft these awesome soaps for you!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

No lye here!!

How do I make my soap and how did I start my company? A very good friend of mine had just started a Bed & Breakfast and posted on facebook that she was looking for someone that made soap. I said "that shouldn't be too hard". I seached on youtube and found out how to make soap with lye. I wasn't going to make soap with lye in my little apartment.
I all but gave up, until I stepped foot into Michael's. I asked if they had soap making supplies and found "melt and pour" soap. Suddenly, I could make safe soap. Out of 6 choices to use, I chose goat milk and olive oil to give the best soaps I could.
Thus, a business is born. I wanted to keep it simple, thus Shane's Simple Soaps was born.
Please, Check out my page and my pictures. Again, my webite is coming soon! I can't wait. I will be accepting all major credit cards and shipping USPS.
I will make all orders fresh and ship them out within 1 to 2 business days (depending on the order).
I look forward to servicing your soap needs and giving you complete satisfaction!!

Welcome to the Shane's simple soaps blog!!

I am going to start blogging about my soap making and my ideas.  I want to let you know why my soap is good for you and your skin.  Why is goat milk soap good for you.  Why olive oil?  Lime zest in soap?  I know you have many, many questions.  My sister uses no other soap now.  My next door neighbor loves it on her face.  She say that no other soap does for her skin like my soap does.
Stay tuned.
Thank you for following me and look for my website soon!!
