Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do I milk goats?

Well.  I guess if I had a goat and a farm and the separate ingredients to make my soap like that, I sure would.But I get my supplies from a site that uses the best ingredients and makes their goods in America.  (some essential oils imported as needed).
From making the soaps, my hands are quite soft.  I handled a few products that had glitter on them and my hands got covered in glitter.  By the time I got out to the car, it was all gone!  And you KNOW how hard glitter is to clean off the body!  It all simply fell off.
Head over to My Website and check out the soaps.  If you don't like them, let me know.  I will make it right for you.
Thank you,

Monday, November 7, 2011

Trying to reach out.

I am trying to spread the word about my soaps not just to make money, but to provide a quality product at a fair price.  The soap that I hand make softens and completely cleanses your skin. I guarantee that if you try it, you won't go back to any other soap. I know that if you use the soap and it does not meet your expectations, I will make the soap the way you want it and send it to you free of charge, or refund your money completely.
I know, another short blog, but I am passionate about my soap and want to show it.
Please visit  or and look around.  I really think you will like what you see.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Touch my hands...really.

Okay, so that is an odd request.  It is the only way I can think of to show you how soft my soap makes my skin. I don't have any cracks or rough skin.  The goat's milk soothes and smooths skin.  Steady use quickly makes your skin softer.
Don't believe me, touch my hands!!

Thanks for reading.